Packaging : 50 kg pack (For Agricultural use only).
Phosphate Rich Organic Manure is a soil friendly organic fertilizer which helps reducing the cost of fertilization and ensures higher yields. The presence of amino acid in PROM makes it a premium organic fertilizer product.

- Can be used on acidic and alkaline soil.
- Improves water holding capacity of the soil.
- Aids in root development and increased crop productivity.
Urban Sardar

Packaging : 200 ml Urban Sardar gardening solution with a free spray bottle for application.
Urban Sardar
To cater to the growing needs for gardening solutions and fertilizer for urban setting, GSFC launched Urban Sardar on 15th February, 2022 on its 60th Foundation Day. Urban Sardar is an eco-friendly and non-toxic product containing organic sources of nutrients best suitable for all flowering plants and ornamental plants, gardens and kitchen gardening.
It contains- Liquid seaweed extract.
- Plant growth promoters, humic acid, proteins vitamins and minerals.
- Take 20 ml of product in the measuring cup and add 200 ml water to it. Mix the solution thoroughly and spray it on plant leaves or mix with soil.
- Mix it well and spray it twice a week on your plants or in soil.
- Keep the product bottle tightly closed in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight.
Liquid Bio Fertilizers(LBF)

Packaging : 500 ml & 1 litre bottle.
Azotobacter and Azospirillum
- Contains live micro-organisms which help in fixation/releasing of Nitrogen in plant.
- Fixes 20-25 kg Nitrogen per acre.
- Applicable in cereals, cash crops, horticultural crops.
Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria
- 20-25 kg Phosphorus per acre is solubilised by producing organic acids.
- Can be applied to all crops.
- Increases yield, suppresses plant pathogens and maintains soil fertility.
- Used in seed treatment, soil application & most effective method i.e. drip irrigation.
Liquid Consortia (NPK)
- NPK bio consortia consists of three micro-organisms viz.Azotobacter, Bacillus Coagulans, Bacillus Mucilaginous having Nitrogen fixing, phosphate solubilising and potash mobilising abilities respectively.
Benefits /Advantages
- NPK bio fertilizer fixes atmospheric Nitrogen and solubilises insoluble Phosphate and Potash present in the soil.
Dosage : 500 ml/acre

Packaging : 1 kg
- It is a biological fungicide, nematicides and a plant growth promoting rhizospheric bacteria.
- A potential bacterial antagonist produces antibiotics, siderophores and hydrogen cyanide to control plant disease.
- Protects crops from sheath blight of rice, sheath blight of banana and many other diseases caused by various pathogenic fungal species.
- Applicable to all crops.
- Apply the product at 1kg/acre mixed with 20-25 kg FYM.
- Mix 1 kg product in 200 litre water and apply in 1 acre.

Packaging : 1 kg
- Antagonistic Fungus effective for the control of seed and soil borne diseases.
- Trichoderma kills several major root rot fungi: Pythium, Rhizoctonia and Fusarium and also protects the roots from any stress.
- It shows antibiosis effect by secreting secondary metabolites.
- Recommended for majority economically important crops, especially pulses and oil seeds.
- Apply the product at 1 kg/acre mixed with 20-25 kg FYM.
- Mix 1 kg product in 200 litre water and apply in 1 acre.
VAM - Mycorrhiza

Plants care
Packaging : 1 kg & 5 kg
- Biological fertilizer based on spores and fragments of mycorrhizal fungal filaments and infected root bits.
- Mycorrhiza starts associating symbiotically with the root of the plants.
- This helps the plant in the absorption of water, phosphorus solubilisation and uptake of other essential macro and micro elements.
Application & Dosage
- Apply 250 gm VAM in 100 Sq. Mtr. Area during land preparation.
VAM - Mycorrhiza

Soil Care
- Use 3 kg VAM per acre in furrow of maize, sorghum, wheat, soya bean, groundnut, etc.
Seed Application
- Coat 1kg seed with jaggery solution and spray 100 gm VAM. 500 to 1000 gms per acre depending upon different crop seeds.